Project for Building S.p.a. Via Fornace 24050 Mornico al Serio (BG) Tel. 035 44 90 440 Fax 035 44 90 752 info@projectforbuilding.com

MINI HERCULES, being a formwork, it is designed to sustain the weight of the operators and of the concrete during the casting phase. The useful overload changes according to the thickness of the slab and of the substrate below.

The particular interlocking system between Leg and Base makes installation easy and fast, moreover the robustness of the leg provides stability to the element. So, you can make a single concrete castingin complete safety, saving time.

On request we will provide a calculation report for the load commissioned; certification of the maximum capacity of the land andthe construction management remain
the responsibility of the Technical Works manager.

a1) effectuation of the concrete casting R.c.K. 150 with thickness of cm…… for the formation of the laying strate of the formwork MINI HERCULES.
a2) for overloads upper than Kg/m² 4000 and/or for buildings in seismic areas, the substrate has to be R.c.K. 200 with electro-welded mesh Ø6 10×10.
b) supply and installation on the floor formed of plastic formwork “MINI HERCULES” with height cm….. . The laying will be carried out following the arrows indicators on the formwork.
c) supply and installation of reinforcement formed by electro-welded mesh Ø6 20×20.
d) supply in site of concrete R.c.K. 250 to fill MINI HERCULES and formation of slab with thickness of cm….. .
N.B.: in the case of a finished casting floor, it is better cast the concrete in two phases: the first for filling the leg and levelling, the second for the creation of the slab.
After this, the EXPANSION JOINTS should be made, with a centre to centre distance of about mt 4×4.
N.B.: MINI HERCULES may exhibit marked variations in colour due to the use of recycled plastics