Project for Building S.p.a. Via Fornace 24050 Mornico al Serio (BG) Tel. 035 44 90 440 Fax 035 44 90 752 info@projectforbuilding.com
HERCULES and SUPERHERCULES were devised to satisfy the most varied requirements of height, in particular where the foundation beams have thicknesses greater than 70 cm. These disposable formworks are made from recycled plastic for creating ventilated crawl spaces.
Formed of a base and a leg, they can reach the following heights:
With HERCULES, from 75 to 100 cm, with SUPERHERCULES from 105 to 130 cm with 5 cm intervals.
On the upper part of the LEG, as well as on the surface of the BASE, there are indicators (arrows) which, during the installation phase, should always be facing the starting angle.
The special interlocking system between the Leg and Base allows quick installation and guarantees the robustness and stability of the HERCULES and SUPERHERCULES during the casting stage.
HERCULES and SUPERHERCULES, being formworks, have been designed to withstand the weight of operators and concrete during the casting stage. The useful load varies in function of the slab thickness and the lean concrete below.
Higher and higher to achieve ventilated crawl spaces


Useful load diagram in Kg./m2

On request we will provide a calculation report for the load commissioned; certification of the maximum capacity of the land and the construction management remain the responsibility of the Technical Works manager.
Indeed, all the elements that are cut are reused by placing them on opposite sides. The steps to follow are (see LAYING DIAGRAM):
- X1 (4.90 m.) and Y1 (5.90 m.) as the size of the area to be covered;
- X2 (4.50 mt.) and Y2 (5.25 mt.) as the dimensions of the sides of the central block ( ) resulting from the multiple of our element cm. 50×75;
- Subtract from X1 and Y1 the dimensions X2 and Y2; X1 – X2 = 0.40 mt.; Y1 – Y2 = 0.65 mt.;
- The results of these subtractions are to be divided by two, thus obtaining the size of the cut bases which must be positioned on the perimeter of the central block (See LAYING DIAGRAM). 50 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 X2 (4,50) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 32,5 Y2 (5,25) 32,5 LAYING DIAGRAM CON HERCULES E SUPERHERCULES NON C’È SFRIDO. Tutti gli elementi tagliati, infatti, vengono riutilizzati posizionandoli sui lati opposti. Le operazioni da seguire sono le seguenti (vedi SCHEMA DI POSA) 1. Siano X1 (4,90 mt.) e Y1 (5,90 mt.) le dimensioni dell’area da coprire; 2. Siano X2 (4,50 mt.) e Y2 (5,25 mt.) le dimensioni dei lati del blocco centrale ( ) risultanti dal multiplo del nostro elemento cm. 50×75; 3. Sottrarre da X1 e Y1 le dimensioni X2 e Y2; X1 – X2 = 0,40 mt.; Y1 – Y2 = 0,65 mt.; 4. I risultati di queste sottrazioni vanno divisi per due, ottenendo così le dimensioni delle basi tagliate che devono essere posizionate sul perimetro del blocco centra

a1) RcK 150 concrete must be used for lean concrete casting 150 cm thick. ….. For the laying the «HERCULES – SUPERHERCULES» formworks.
a2) For loads greater than Kg./m2 4000 and/or constructions in seismic áreas, the foundation must be in RcK 150 with electro-welded mesh Ø 6 10×10.
- b) Supply and dry laying on the floor formed of plastc «HERCULES – SUPERHERCULES» formworks, H. cm. …….. .
Installation should be carried out following the arrow indicators.
- c) Supply and installation of reinforcement, consisting of welded mesh Ø6 20×20.
- d) Supply and installation of concrete RcK 250 to fill «HERCULES – SUPERHERCULES» and formation of slab with thickness of …cm . ……… .
NB: When a floor is being made with finished casting, the concrete should be cast in two phases: the first for filling the legs and levelling the element and the second for making the flooring slab.
After this, the “EXPANSION JOINTS” should be made, with a centre to centre distance of about mt. 4×4.
NB: “HERCULES and SUPERHERCULES” may exhibit marked variations in colour due to the use of recycled plastics